Thursday, 27 October 2016

[COP3] Project Planning and Time Management

I have a timetable sticks on my wall tell me my target of the week and what I should be focusing on. For this week I am finishing 2000 words in the dissertation, need to finish all the blogging and have a start at practical. Since I am doing the lifting tower brief, I need extra time to do some animation for PPP therefore my time management need to be precise in order to have everything on track. So far, the timetable works for me. All my work is organised and with enough time rest and work. I did not have a strict schedule which is flexible so if I did not feel like doing writing on that day, I just switch date. This works for me and for the last three years so I am keeping it with my peace. Possible improvement to my management is that, it might be even better if I write down what I need to do in each day instead of a week. The aim will be a lot clearer but at the same time need to stick with it which I really not fond of.


My desk right now.

I basically write down a lot of thoughts when I finished reading a text and thinking where and how I could put them in my dissertation. I categorise them into: Methods; theory; practical; opinion. I am going to have different chapters in the dissertation that focus on different topics. I feel much more organised in this way so that I would not forgot my thought and comment after reading also give the essay better structure. I also memo the pages that have the quotes I want so I could refer back easier.  What I should do now is to make sure every chapter has a clear topic and the quotes are not contradicting each other. Make sure the information are all useful and remember reference everything. I made a google document so I could work on my essay wherever I am.

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