Tuesday, 27 December 2016

[COP3] Production

Once my idea was developed, I quickly did an animatic to calculate the time and number of scenes. I thought it was quite demanding and it ends up have more than 2 mins. Despite of the time, I really hope to finish the whole animation and make a more 'cartoon' version of it. It requires good time management and animating skills to finish two 2 minutes animation in a limited time. I had made a plan and should be alright if I follow through which enable me to take balance between practical and written work.

I started by creating all the components first in photoshop. This includes all the scanning and photo-taking. I am happy that most of the texture did not lost during scanning and could show complete different between different materials.

watercolour, hue edited in photoshop



Sea salt on black paper, edited in photoshop
sponge fibre

photoshop drawing

sky from real photos I took when I went to Lake district

From the light projection project we did in PPP, I learnt from James about making sphere. It is very visually interesting approach to make 3D in aftereffect. It allows layering textures on top, rotating in different speed. I did a few tests and came out with a satisfying result.

I also did a test on how I want two molecules meet. I know I would like slow motion to exaggerate the scene but not sure about the composition and background yet. By doing so, audience could have more time to look at the design and sensing the importance of the scene. Hope this camera shot could raise empathy from them.

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